The Destination Marketing Unit is responsible for the international image of the Province KwaZulu-Natal through the positioning of Trade and Investment
KwaZulu-Natal as a leading Investment Promotion Agency.
The unit ensures the Targeted Positioning and Promotion of KwaZulu-Natal as a Premiere Investment Destination and leader in Export Trade, as well the
positioning of Trade and Investment KwaZulu-Natal as a key driving force of investment attraction by implementing a specified and targeted approach in the
International Environment.
Areas of focus:
Destination Marketing engages with various stakeholders engaged in international business relations include intra- and intergovernmental agencies such as the Department of
International Relations and cooperation, the Department of Trade and Industry, South African Missions Abroad, Foreign Investment Promotion and Trade Promotions Agencies and
International Diplomatic Missions.
Institutional Investors, Venture Capital, Equity Funds and similar organisations all form a part of the stakeholder environment that the unit targets.
Direct Air Connectivity together with the Negotiation and Fostering of Airline Agreements with King Shaka International Airport and the Province are critical in growing KZN’s economy. The unit works with various National and Provincial Departments and including KZN Tourism, Dube TradePort Corporation and Airports Company South Africa to ensure the positioning of the Province of KwaZulu-Natal for direct air access.
The unit is also a key role player in the formulation and implementation of the province’s International Relations Strategy and other internationally focussed initiatives.