KZN Districts

  • uThukela


Well positioned to link both Durban and Gauteng province through the N3 Freeway. This district has an uneven picture of economic activities. Emnambithi/Ladysmith is the key town in this district. Economically this district is the third least contributor to the provincial GGP after Sisonke and uMkanyankude Districts, standing at 4%. Statistically there are 656 986 people living in this district of which 75 651 are employed with a total labour force of 375 131.

Contact Details

  • Vacant Vacant
  • Export Promotion Manager
  • Export Promotion
  • 1 Arundel Close, Durban, KZN, 4001
  • +27 31 368 9600
  • Contact Vacant Vacant
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